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Planning is the process by which one determines whether to attempt the task, works out the most effective way of reaching desired objectives, and prepares to overcome unexpected difficulties with the adequate resources.


General objective:

The object of the brand is to help encourage girls to develop a positive relationship with beauty, helping to raise their self-esteem and thereby enabling them to realize their full potential.


Developing policies & Devising strategies:

  • Find new ways and strategies for lowering costs and increasing incomes.

  • Take care about the policies that entities ask the company to make legal and make it work in the right way.

  • Prepare the firm for changes in this industry by updating every day the services and products.


Organization management refers to the art of getting people together on a common platform to make them work towards a common predefined goal. Organization management enables the optimum use of resources through meticulous planning and control at the workplace.

Each member of the organization is really important for the success of the same and each one of them has an important role within the company. 

The chief executives are responsible for ensuring their team achieves and maintains agreed standards of work performance and encourages improvement for functional managers. An effective role of a functional manager can contribute to the increase in the organizational productivity and their income, which will ensure the continuity of the organization.

The staff are the ones responsible for the sales of the products and services that we provide by our website.

Leading / Motivating

Motivation is a goal-oriented trait that helps an individual accomplish his goals. It pushes a person to work hard to achieve his or her goals. To influence motivation, an executive must have the correct leadership traits. However for inspiration, there is no clear blueprint. 


One should keep an open perspective on human nature as a leader. The decision-making process will certainly be made simpler by knowing the various needs of subordinates.


Both an employee and a manager must have leadership and motivational characteristics. For others, an efficient leader must have a detailed knowledge of motivational variables. He must consider the basic needs of staff, colleagues and his superiors. As a way of inspiring people, leadership is used.


Significant guidelines that outline the basic view of motivation are given below: 


  • Harmonize the subordinate criteria with the organizational needs and balance them. The executive, as a chief, must ensure that the organization has the same values and ethics he seeks in his workers. He should ensure that his subordinates are promoted and educated in a way that suits the company's needs.


  • Appreciation and incentives are main motivators that motivate an individual to achieve a desired objective. It can be a great motivator to reward good/exceptional conduct with a tiny token of gratitude, credential or letter. If a certificate is given to a person, the specific act or the standard for which the individual is being rewarded should be specified.


  • Being a role model is also a crucial motivator that influences individuals to achieve their objectives. A leader should set a good example to ensure that his people develop efficiently and achieve their goals. 


  • Encouraging people to get involved in the process of preparing and addressing critical problems not only motivates them, but also shows them the nuances of these main decision-making factors. In addition, it will allow everyone to get a better understanding of their role in the business.The conversation will be transparent and will definitely draw respect and gratitude from the leader. 


  • Developing the spirit of morality and team definitely has a key effect on an organization's well-being. Its moral fabric is the metal or emotional state of an entity. The acts and decisions of a leader influence his subordinates' morale. He should therefore, always be mindful of his choices and activities. Group spirit is the organisation's soul. The leader should always ensure that his subordinates enjoy carrying out their duties as a team and making themselves part of the plans of the organization. 


  • A leader must step into the subordinate's shoes and see things from the viewpoint of the subordinate. At tough times, he can empathize with them. Empathizing with their personal concerns makes them physically and emotionally healthier.


  • A meaningful and difficult job carried out inculcates a sense of accomplishment among workers. The executive must make its workers feel like they are doing a valuable job that is vital for the well-being and performance of the company. This motivating factor motivates them to accomplish goals.


Controlling refers to all the activities undertaken to conform the operations that were planned. All managers at Hermosa have controlling responsibilities over the activities which are important for an effective strategies evaluation. They take in count the following parameters.

  • Establishing performance standard

  • Measuring individual and organizational performance

  • Comparing actual performance standards

  • Taking correctives actions to improve performance


Through the quality standards, Hermosa will regulate all the organization's activities and see if the goals are continuously improved and always supervise the different areas to eliminate the range of processes. 

Through providing good service and always looking for the best of our customers, the way to seek a good improvement is. 


Once the service provided by Hermosa for the customer is completed, the customers will evaluate our baristas in a range from 1 to 5, 1 is considered poor performance and 5 is considered excellent performance. This will enable the company to understand which employees have the best individual performance. 


To evaluate the organizational performance, Hermosa will have a satisfaction survey for those customers who have already taken the company's service about the experience offered by the company available on the web page. This is a way for Hermosa to get feedback directly from the company's people.


The managerial function of staffing involves manning the organization structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of the personnels to fill the roles assigned to the employers/workforce.

According to Theo Haimann, “Staffing pertains to recruitment, selection, development and compensation of subordinates.”

Staffing function is the most important managerial act along with planning, organizing, directing and controlling. The operations of these four functions depend upon the manpower which is available through staffing functions.

Organizational Structure of Hermosa

Functions and resources of Hermosa’s e-commerce organizational unit

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